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An Apple A Day

It’s finally Fall. One of the sweet benefits of the season are all the wonderful apples that we can find everywhere in Autumn. Next to the pumpkin, the apple is the fruit most people associate with this time of the year. So many lovely varieties to choose from, but what kind of apple is best raw to eat and which ones are good for cooking or baking? Today we can help with some answers to that question.

Here is a very helpful chart and explanation of the varieties and uses of various apples that we found from Williams-Sonoma.

Here are some of our favorite apple recipes:

Apple Walnut Salad
Easy Apple Turnovers
Baked Apple “Roses”
Apple Cake
Apple Pops
Classic Apple Pie

Get yourself some apples this weekend and juice them, make some applesauce or apple butter, bake something yummy, or just slice them and eat them raw. No matter how you use them, they are one of the delicious benefits of this time of the year, and by all confirmed reports and wives tales too, very, very healthy…enjoy!

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