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Words of Wisdom – A Reflection

We came across a quote we had to sit on for a minute to let the full weight of it sink in. Today seems like a good time to share it with you our chums.

We live in a world that tells us both subtly and sometimes outright, that unless we drive a certain car, wear a certain clothing brand, take a certain medication, wear a certain perfume, buy a certain insurance, eat the right potato chip, support the right candidate, drink the right soda, buy the right cosmetics, wash our hair with the right shampoo, send our children to the right school, etc. etc. etc., we just aren’t going to measure up. If we don’t get it right…aka buy the right things and attend the right events at the right time with the right people, well we will no doubt be viewed as “less than”.

And who is promoting this falsehood? The ones who have something to sell, who want to make some cash off our insecurities, or the ones who are insecure themselves and need all the “right” stuff to feel better about themselves. So Caroline Caldwell, whomever she is, we believe got it right. Liking ourselves is truly an act of rebellion against all those voices who would try and tell us without whatever it is they are peddling, we just won’t be good enough.

We are not against business making money. We aren’t against makeup or luxury clothing lines, or good potato chips or nice cars. But we should never measure our value (or anyone else’s) in terms of those things. They are after all just “things” and as a dear chum of ours is fond of saying “Only people really count”.

Take a minute today as you start this new work week and remind yourself about all the qualities you have that you like and appreciate, take a moment to like who you are. And then remind someone else why you like them and why they are good enough just the way they are too.

It was a year ago today that we said goodbye to Dennis Page, Jackie’s beloved husband. Dear Dennis did not suffer from self-doubt. He knew very keenly who he was and who he wasn’t and he was comfortable with that. And consequently he made everyone else who had the privilege of knowing him comfortable too. There was never a time that I can think of, that Dennis Page wasn’t the smartest person in the room, but whether you were educated or not, young or old, shy or outgoing, he put everyone at ease and took a genuine interest in everyone with whom he engaged in conversation.

Oh how we miss “DD”, as his grandchildren and all the children in his family called him! But he set an example of simple acceptance of oneself that carries on and continues to make an impact. I would never have thought to describe Dennis as a rebellious person. That is, until I read this quote, but by this standard, he might have been the most rebellious person I’ve ever known…and loved.

We miss you DD but you are still encouraging us even in your physical absence because you and the example you set, lives on in our hearts.

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  1. Jennifer Dilley #

    Such a lovely tribute to Dennis, Robin.

    April 3, 2023
    • Two Chums #

      Yes, Jennifer, I totally agree! So very touching! Jackie

      April 4, 2023

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