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Welcome the Future King!

Let the celebrations begin….the future King has arrived!  Your Two Chums are certainly celebrating this historical time and rejoicing with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they enjoy the first moments of parenthood.  We were thrilled that they were able to have four hours before the public-at-large knew of the arrival of their baby boy.  That was certainly a very well-kept secret on the part of the hospital.  The paparazzi was very respectful of the Duke and Duchess as well, which was wonderful to hear.  Apparently, they had agreed that they would NOT photograph William and Catherine going into the Lindo wing of St. Mary’s hospital (the hospital in London where the baby was born) as they understood that she was “a woman in labour”.  Oh, how well they are behaving of late!

We were told, in no uncertain terms, that the announcement of the birth would come in the form of a framed notice placed on a “gold” easel in the forefront of Buckingham Palace, after which time the announcement would be “Tweeted” out and put on Facebook.  BUT, in actual fact, the media was sent a press release BEFORE the gentleman took the announcement to Buckingham Palace.  “They” are saying that William probably felt that he wanted to make sure that he, and not the paparazzi, was controlling the announcement. Having had the luxury of four hours with his wife and newborn son, he wanted the public to know in the correct way.

Shortly thereafter, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, outside #10 Downing Street , wished the Royal couple congratulations and celebrated the birth of England’s future King.

And lights were placed on the water in many of the fountains in England to create “blue” water!

An unbreakable bond has been forged between the Houses of Windosr and Middleton!


The Middletons here photographed with Prince Charles, William’s father

How must Carole and Michael Middleton be feeling?  Their first grandchild will one day be the King of England!   And that begs another question that has been on our minds for a while, “Will the Queen bestow a title on Mr. Michael Middleton?”  Apparently, for the past one thousand years, the grandfathers of the heir to the throne have been titled.  Quite a precedent has been set!  Will the Queen bestow a title on Michael Middleton, and, if so, will he accept it?  Well, along with the much more important question of the name of this brand new baby boy, we no doubt will hear more of “title or no title?” in the forthcoming few weeks.

Speaking of naming the baby, your Two Chums would love to see them include the name “Spencer” in his name as a huge curtsy to Diana – we shall see.

Yes, more love, more joy and certainly more abundant living!








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  1. Shelley #

    She almost made it to OUR birthday! Happy birthday Robin!.
    Your cousin, Shelley

    July 23, 2013
    • Two Chums #

      Wouldn’t that have been a lovely birthday perk! But many years ago you were my birthday perk sweet cousin 🙂

      July 23, 2013
  2. Dana P #

    I thought the same thing about Spencer, although I don’t think it will be his primary name. Prince Spencer doesn’t sound quite right. I am sure it will be lovely and regal whatever they choose.

    July 23, 2013
    • Two Chums #

      They have wonderful taste and style and though they are modern in every regard, they have a great respect for tradition, so Spencer will no doubt NOT be his first name though it could be one of his many other names. We will see ….such fun isn’t it?

      July 23, 2013
      • dana p #

        maybe something like “Albert George Charles Spencer of Cambridge” or maybe a Louis, Phillip or William in there. I love their elaborately long names.

        July 23, 2013

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