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Thank You Ma’am

Today, your Two Chums are feeling much sadness, and yet at the same time the deepest of gratitude for the example of faithful servanthood, leadership, and duty that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, showed us all through her life and reign as Queen.

Prince Charles is now King Charles III, that much was announced right away yesterday upon the announcement of Her Majesty’s death. But then what? We wondered as many of you may have wondered “What happens next?” We read and heard on the news coverage that there will be a 10 day period of public mourning. We wondered what that would look like and came across a time line of the events that will take place during the next 10 days. We share those with you here:

We, like many of you, have so many thoughts and feelings but most importantly right now we just want to say “Thank you”…

And “Long live the King”

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One Comment
  1. Lara Clardy #

    She was amazing and reminded me so much of my own mother. I had hoped she would beat her own mother’s age. A sad day for us all.

    September 9, 2022

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