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No Red, No Blue – Just Red, White and Blue

16BOSTON3-popupIn the wake of yesterday’s horrific events in Boston, we find ourselves once again faced with unexpected, unforeseen tragedy.At the time of this writing there are 3 confirmed dead and at least 144 injured victims of yesterday’s bombings in Boston.  Whoever is responsible for this act of terror no doubt feels that he or they have struck a blow at our society, our culture, our way of life.  He/they may think they have weakened us with fear, that they can divide us and thereby conquer us.  But though there may well be an understandable element of fear that strikes at our hearts when we find ourselves in public places at large gatherings, whoever did this grossly underestimated us.

In crisis situations such as this we are not divided.  We do not go to our respective corners of political viewpoints or opinions as to what to do or how to handle the fallout or argue about who is to blame. On the contrary, in these times we are not Democrats or Republicans, not north or south nor east or west, we are not red states nor blue states.  We are the United States of America and we stand together in support of each other.


At Two Chums, we never take lightly our words regarding seeking to bring more “love, joy and abundant living.”  So now we would encourage you to show love to those who might least expect it from you, the smile or greeting you give to the stranger in an elevator, the nod of acknowledgement to the person you don’t know getting into the car next to yours in a parking lot, the “Hi there” to the neighbor you’ve never spoken to before the next time he/she passes your home, the “Good morning” to the person who makes your latte tomorrow morning.  All these little acts of kindness promote a more loving world.  These awful crisis situations are opportunities for us to be reminded to show such kindness and support to each other everyday.  We can each of us pray for the victims and for the families of those who lost their loved ones yesterday, that they would find peace and support as they begin to recover.

And we have another opportunity…. to give the greatest of all love by praying for those responsible for the bombing.  May God give us love beyond ourselves that our world will be better in spite of the intent of those who have brought these attacks.  May God bless and keep you, each and every one.







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  1. Judy #

    Thank you for your important reminder that each of us has a part to play. Each one of us can express more kindness, more patience, more understanding to neighbors as well as strangers. In the words of an old Carpenters song ” what the world needs now is love…it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.” A kind word or patient gesture is so easy to give. Let each of us do our part to inject more love into our individual world. Than you Jackie and Robin for the timely reminder.

    April 16, 2013
    • Two Chums #

      Dearest Judy, That same song came to my mind! One Mind! Yes, love, love, love!

      April 16, 2013
    • Two Chums #

      And thank you Judy for these good words 🙂

      April 16, 2013
  2. Janna #

    Thank you dear ones

    April 16, 2013
  3. Sheiia Sperry #

    Dear Jackie and Robin:Those of us north of the border feel the same fear and anger that seem always to follow close on the heels of these inhumane acts against innocent people. However immediately we want to help. The people of Boston came to our aid immediately following the Halifax Explosion in 1917. I am proud and happy to say that the Government of Nova Scotia made a donation of $50,000 to the hospital in Boston that took care of the casualties yesterday in honour of the first responders who were so prompt to help the injured on the ground. When will people learn that we can and will disagree on many things be they religion, culture, politics but that does not mean we need to hurt each other.

    April 16, 2013
    • Two Chums #

      So grateful to hear that Halifax immediately wanted to and came to the aid of Boston. At times such as these, one does want to help in whatever way one can. I know that prayers are being lifted up in the millions. I feel them. Much love to you.

      April 16, 2013
    • Two Chums #

      Amen Shellia!

      April 16, 2013

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