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Kitchenesque Savvy Secrets!

Some fabulous easy-to-follow tips for your work in the kitchen!

We feel that everyone can use all the tips they can get for work in the kitchen.  We are thrilled to share these with you.

1.  Do you find that your utensil slips when you lay it up against the side of a bowl or pot?  Just put rubber bands on the handles and there you have it – no more slipping.  The utensil will only slip as far as the rubber band!

2.  When you are using sugary or tomato-based barbecue sauce on the barby, the sauce should be added only at the end of the grilling process.  These two ingredients will burn easily, so better put them on at the end and not have a “fritter”!

3. Keep pots of pasta or rice from boiling over by adding a tablespoon of butter to the water when you add the pasta or rice.

4.  Have a bottle of mouthwash, yes mouthwash, ready when you are cutting garlic, onions, fish or anything else that might leave a smell on your hands.  Just pour a little bit into your hands after you have worked with these foods, rub your hands together, and the smell will disappear.

5.  Leave your grapes in the colander after washing them and pop them into the refrigerator in the colander.  Grapes are actually helped by lots of cool air.  The air will circulate beautifully through the holes in the colander.

6. Rinse your bacon in cold water before frying it.  It will reduce the amount the bacon shrinks when you cook it.

7. It is so lovely to always have honey in your larder but, alas, it gets thick and full of crystals very quickly!   To get it back to its former, luscious consistency, simply place the open container in the micro and heat on high for 10 seconds and then stir.  Continue doing this in 10 second increments until it is back to its wonderful self!

8.  The quickest way to “mash” nuts or graham crackers is to put them in a plastic bag and roll over them, back and forth, with the rolling pin.

9.  Find it hard to peel a garlic?  Simply separate each clove and put in micro, on high, for 5-10 seconds.  They should easily slip out of their skins.

10. Every time you open the door on your oven to check on that sumptuous meal, you lower the temperature by 50 degrees.  So, only open the oven door when you have to!  Otherwise use the oven light.

Oh these wonderful Savvy Secrets are so helpful!  We do hope that you find them so as well, thus adding to the love, joy and abundance in your lives!



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  1. Allison #

    Great tips as always! I will have to try the mouthwash one for when I handle garlic and kimchi… And I will also have to remind myself not to be a nervous Nelly and open the oven door so often! 🙂

    January 17, 2013
  2. Jani DeSaegheR #

    Read every word…great tips. Love, Jani

    January 18, 2013
    • Two Chums #

      Thank you Jani. I am pretty sure you have some tips of your own that you could share about the kitchen and hospitality. Your mother was always one of my greatest inspirations. I grew up wanting my home to be like Aunt Mary 🙂

      January 18, 2013

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