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Hold Onto These

Your Two Chums have thought a lot about what we can learn from this time of “sheltering in place” because if we do not come out on the other side having learned something, it has all been for naught!

What will be some of the things we will hold onto, even after we are moving around more freely?

Well, some of these things, for us, will be stopping to smell the roses, for example. In our lives where we rush around trying to finish one thing to get onto the next, we can lose, in fact we most likely DO lose, the most important part of the doing. Stop to imbibe the good that you see around you and relish in it.

Appreciate everyone more. Both the people you are “locked down” with and the other people who you have not been able to hug through all of this. Those hugs are going to feel that much more comforting on the receiving side and on the giving side, that much more joyous!

Making do and appreciating what we have and not what we want to get! The things that are already in our larder look mighty good when a trip to the grocery store is out of the question!

The list will go on and on. We encourage you all to think about this and perhaps make your own lists. We would love you to share those lists with us. We can all learn from each other.

With joy and love,

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  1. Wendy #

    What has arisen from these ashes is more gratitude, love and compassion. Our country went into this torn apart and angry at the other side. Now, charity and hope prevail. How wonderful this must be to God.

    April 29, 2020
    • Two Chums #

      Yes! We are grateful to see this too!

      May 1, 2020

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