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Words of Wisdom – Come Alive

To you sometimes start your day or your week feeling tired or down? Even when you’ve had a good sleep it can happen. These words of wisdom might explain why.

Now there is something to ponder as you begin your week. If you could do anything today with no thought of what you should do, what would you choose to do? That likely is what would bring you joy and make you come to life. Take some time, find some time, and do that thing, whatever it is. We all need to find those things we’ve been neglecting. Don’t think of it as selfish, it’s a gift not only to yourself but to the people you love and who love you. What could possibly be better for them than to have joyful content, radiant you because you took the time, made the time, to do what makes you come alive. And remember, your children are watching. When you take care of yourself like this, you teach them and give them permission to do the same.
Now go find your joy!

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