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Where Did It Come From?

We just recently learned of some history having to do with language that we thought you would find as interesting and enlightening as we did.

It seems in days gone by in English speaking countries, when someone was leaving the presence of another, he, or she, would give a greeting or rather a blessing to the other. In Old English, one would say to the other, “God be with ye”. As time has gone on that blessing has morphed into what we say today…Good(God) or as we know it Goodbye. Often when we say “goodbye”(God be with ye or you ) the other person will naturally respond “Yes… goodbye” or “Yes God be with ye (you)”

So when next you leave someone in person or on the phone, remember as you say Goodbye you are actually invoking a blessing and receiving one yourself. Even if the other person doesn’t realize he or she is giving you one, take it. We can all use more blessings and we can certainly give them freely too.

Blessing someone or being blessed by someone is a lovely thing. It leads to more love, more joy, more abundant and blessed living for us all.

So from you Two Chums, Goodbye for today,

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