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What Is Labor Day?

It’s a fair question since for most people it is just a way to mark the end of summer and the start of a new fall/school season. But beyond the BBQs and family get togethers, why do we celebrate it really?

This is one explanation we found:
“It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”

We all have something we can contribute, whether we are officially in the “work force” or not. We can all be contributing members of our individual communities and our country as a whole.

We read something the other day we felt was inspired. It is a quote from a well respected, very accomplished professional athlete. His words are strong and wise and pertain to all of us. Here’s what he said:

So as you celebrate this Labor Day, remember to honor your ability and always bring YOUR BEST to everything you do. Bring your love, your joy and all the abundant living that is yours.

Happy Labor Day…Enjoy!

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