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Well Done – Understanding Your Kids

Well Done

We all want our children and grandchildren to do well in school. But they may need some encouragement when they don’t. If they don’t do well on their next math test, we may need to take a second to understand that math may not be their strong suit in life or their interest, and remember what it is they are really interested in and what they may be really good at doing when they grow up.

Here is a letter from a principal to the parents of the students at the school as they are about to take exams:

We need more principals and parents who have this attitude towards the children they are entrusted with teaching and loving.
There are more pressures than ever on us all, but especially our children. The world has become a much more difficult place to navigate. We can’t say for sure, but our guess would be that we would have healthier, happier, more well adjusted children who just might actually do better on those exams when they are just encouraged to do THEIR best….not THE best. They need to feel encouraged and hopeful about their futures and that they can succeed in life even if they don’t do too well on a given test.

We think this was one good, kind, smart principal and to him or her we say…. Well Done!!!

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