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The Incredible Edible Egg

There are so many varied and delicious ways to enjoy this amazing super food. One of our favorites ways to eat an egg, a classic preparation, is to poach it. Why then, does this seem so intimidating to so many people?

Perhaps it is due to the fact that any of us who has ever poached an egg has probably had at least one or more failures in the attempt to poach the perfect egg.

Alas, we came across what seems to be a foolproof method, or at least as foolproof as we can hope for. And this method allows you to “poach” several eggs at once. So, if there are a number of you having say, Eggs Benedict, (say, maybe this weekend for brunch?), you can have all the eggs done at the same time!

What is this miracle egg poaching method you ask? It’s so simple we wish we had thought of it ourselves!

Simply spray the openings in a muffin tin with oil (we used a disposable one for fast and easy cleanup), then add 2 tablespoons of water to each opening. Next break an egg into each of the muffin cups. If you aren’t making as many eggs as there are openings in your muffin tin, fill them with water anyway to keep them from scorching. Place the muffin tin in a 350 degree oven for 11-13 minutes. The length of time you need to cook your eggs will be determined by your oven. Check the eggs after 11 minutes. They will look like the white is not cooked thoroughly because the water will rise to the top and cover the egg. Gently lift the egg from the pan to see if the white is solid. If it is, dry the water using a paper towel. If the white still looks runny, return to the oven for another 2 minutes. Your egg is now officially poached and should be shaped beautifully.

Now your perfectly poached egg is ready to eat.

Classic Eggs Benedict anyone? English muffin, ham or Canadian bacon, poached egg and Hollandaise sauce. (If you are gluten free and can’t find GF English muffins, use a hash brown pattie as your base for your Eggs Benedict.)

Enjoy your easy peasy poached eggs and your yummy weekend brunch 🙂

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