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Savvy Secrets – Attract The Bees!

We are most grateful to Karen, one of our dear chums, who shared this “Savvy Secret” with us for making sure your vegetables not only blossom but then fruit.

If you have found that you have planted tomatoes, for example, and they have blossomed beautifully but that is where their growth stopped, plant some marigolds.  They will draw the bees and the bees will pollinate your vegetables and you are away to the races!

According to Tiffany Davis of the Imperfectly Happy Home, “Marigolds not only attract bees but they help them to thrive and survive!  BUT if you are planting marigolds in the vegetable garden as part of your bee attracting plan there are a few caveats to be aware of.  Bees prefer the single-bloom varieties of marigolds over the double. Secondly I highly recommend only planting seeds or flowers grown in organic conditions; the ones purchased at big-box stores contain insecticides that are bad for bees and your garden.”

So, when planting your garden, don’t forget the marigolds, the single bloom varieties!

Shared with love,

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