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Rise and Shine – South Of The Border

The weekend will soon be here.  It’s time for another good breakfast option.  We think breakfast can be a fun time to connect with family and friends.  We can linger at the table and enjoy each other’s company and get caught up on the week’s activities.  But usually we don’t want a complicated meal,  just a tasty one that everyone can enjoy.  We think this one fills the bill.

Southwest Breakfast Sandwich

For each sandwich you’ll need:

1/2 of a  bolillo or French roll
2 eggs
4 tablespoons of beans*  (black, pinto or peruano)  
Queso fresco
Chipotle Tabasco sauce (or your favorite hot sauce)
chopped fresh cilantro

Cut the roll in half and then split it open in half.  Butter and toast the bolillo or French roll.  To each of the two pieces of roll, add beans and a sprinkle of queso fresco.  Place back in a 300 degree oven while you fry an egg for each piece.  Add egg on top of bread and beans.  Top with more queso fresco, hot sauce, and chopped cilantro.  Serve immediately with fresh fruit and some good coffee.

Now sit back, enjoy your meal, and those special people you are spending some time with.  Bon appetite!


* Beans can be simply cooked or refried.  To refry, saute some onion and a bit of garlic in some olive oil, then add beans and bean “juice” and mash beans to create a sort of paste.





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