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Really? This is How It All Started?

It ‘s not exactly clear what ancient Celts did during Samhain, the pagan holiday we now link with Halloween, but historians have some idea thanks to a surviving bronze calendar.

The first written mentions of Samhain appeared in Europe around the first century, marking winter’s swift approach and the start of the Celtic new year.

Celebrated on October 31, Samhain was a time when the wall between the spirit plane and the living world was thought to be at its weakest, allowing spirits to cross the boundary with ease.

In an effort to curb vandalism and mishaps from angsty ghosts, the Celts hosted welcoming bonfires and left food offerings; eventually, the practice transitioned to dressing as ghouls themselves and traveling door to door in search of refreshments and merriment. Modern Halloween has held tight to many Celtic traditions, like fortunetelling and bobbing for apples, but Roman Christian attempts to squash pagan ceremonies starting around 600 CE started the slow transition from religious festival to spooky secular event.

Have a wonderful Halloween, everyone! Give out lots of great candy – the bigger the bar, the better – and celebrate with all of the youngsters. It does not have to be “spooky” – it can be filled with love and joy and celebration!

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