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Ooooo, Tell Me More!

For those of you who have been watching “Victoria”, you have seen Osborne House on the Isle of Wight.  For those of you who have not been watching “Victoria, Osborne House is the country getaway which Prince Albert, Victoria’s love and husband, designed.

In the most recent episode, the family went to Osborne House for a time.  They lead us to believe that Victoria really did not want to be there as she felt she should be in London, closer to her people.  I think the truth, as is often the case, lies somewhere in the middle.  I think she enjoyed being there with her husband and children.  She loved to paint and did a lot of that there.

Some things are put into the series for dramatic effect but a lot of it was partially true.  Apparently, Victoria did go swimming whilst there and used one of the bathing machines that were fashionable at the time.  It would not do for a lady (or a gentleman, for that matter) to be seen by the opposite sex in her swimming costume so she was wheeled down to the water in a little cabin on wheels and from the cabin, she went into the water.

The bathing machine that Queen Victoria enjoyed would have looked something like this (minus the Pears Soap advertisement!).  There was a scene on Sunday night where she almost drowned which apparently did not happen in reality.

Queen Victoria died at Osborne House in January 1901. Following her death, the house became surplus to royal requirements and was given to the state, with a few rooms being retained as a private museum to Queen Victoria.  The House is now open to the public for tours.

So, if you are over in England, it might be a fun little side trip to take.  Obviously, it is drenched in history!

As you know, your Two Chums love all of this history and have written a fair amount on Victoria through the years.  You might want to look at this,  “Victoria and Albert – A Love Story” to get a little more background.

AND, if you have not been watching Victoria on Masterpiece Theater, you might want to start.  It is very well done!

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