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Kindness Counts

This story was shared with us and it is just too good not to pass along.

What you think you see in the photo may not be what is actually happening. Obviously, there is an older gentleman grasping a bike while a young boy appears to be crying and his friends look on. All kinds of ideas could run through one’s head as to the scenario that is occurring here. We often think we know what we are seeing, but the truth is something altogether different than it appears.

One might think the man is taking the bike from the boy for some reason and thus the boy is crying. Or possibly the boy has been injured and the man is trying to assess the situation. Or one might assume the boy is being scolded for some wrong doing. None of those would be correct.

You see this boy had a bike with no brakes and while riding it, had dented the man’s car plowing into it when he was unable to stop in time.

Instead of scolding or shaming the boy for his mistake, the man turned up a couple of days after the accident with a brand new bike for the boy, one with brakes that work. In this photo he is presenting the boy with his new bike. It was an act of love and mercy, and a kindness that brought the boy to tears.

To this gentleman, whose name we do not know, we say, “Well Done Sir….Well Done!”

Oh that each of us would exhibit such kindness and love to those who have unintentionally, or intentionally harmed us in some way. When someone has done us wrong, may we work to return their deeds by blessing them instead of showing our hurt or anger. How very, very different the world would be if we all remembered “kindness counts”.

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