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Halloween – A Few Fun Facts

It is hard to believe that Halloween is around the corner and this year, it will look a little different than other years, for sure. But we feel sure that you will all have some fun with it tomorrow. Here are a few fun facts about Halloween.

  1. Halloween is more popular than Valentine’s Day and New Years. Both the holiday of love and the party-throwing New Year’s holidays fall behind Halloween in popularity with children and adults alike. 
  2. Major money is spent on Halloween. Did you know that Americans spend almost 10 billion dollars per year on Halloween?  That’s BILLION with a B. That is a lot of money to be spent on candy and costumes. Each consumer typically spends about $80 dollars per year on their Halloween goodies. Maybe, as we said, this will look different this year.
  3. Historically, the owl has been one of the most popular Halloween images. This is because, during medieval times in Europe, owls were seen as witches. We certainly did not know that! It was said that hearing an owl’s call was a sign that someone was about to die. 
  4. The idea of trick or treating  came from a Celtic tradition originating in ancient times. The ancient Celts would put treats on their doorsteps and in the streets to provide offerings to the spirits of Samhain. 
  5. Houdini died on Halloween. In a strange twist of events, Harry Houdini, who is considered by many to be the most famous magician of all time, died on Halloween. His death was caused by appendicitis, which was brought on by 3 blows to the stomach he took during one of his acts.
  6. The candy-drugging was a myth. In 1974 a young boy ate a piece of heroin laced candy which led to a mass fear of drug-laced candy being passed out during Halloween. As it turns out, that young boy had gotten into his uncle’s drugs and it was never meant for the Halloween candy. Knowing the facts of this story could have prevented many urban legends that still exist to this day. Your Two Chums are not sure about this one but this is certainly what we have read.
  7. Halloween is old, like really old. It is believed that Halloween traditions began in the year 4,000 B.C., which means that humans have been celebrating Halloween for over 6,000 years.
  8. Boston knows how to light their jack-o-lanterns! Boston holds the unique record of having the most Jack O’Lanterns lit at once (over 30,000).
  9. Legend has it, Jack O’Lanterns get their name from an old Irish story of a man named Jack who liked to trick the devil and because of his tricky ways, was barred from entering both heaven and hell, instead, he was forced to wander the earth, where he used his lanterns to wave people away from their intended paths.
  10. Please enjoy whatever you do tomorrow. Covid seems to be keeping us inside and changing our traditions a bit but be sure to enjoy!
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