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A Thankful Salad

In speaking with other chums the one element of Thanksgiving dinner that often goes overlooked or perplexes the hostess is what, if any, kind of salad to serve with the meal. To be sure there are any number of options but with all the other veggies and yummy side dishes included in a Thanksgiving feast, salad seems often to be the “red headed step child” as it were to the meal. So today we offer a suggestion that will be both simple to prepare and tasty on Thanksgiving or on any other Thursday for supper.

This salad as we mentioned is quite simple to prepare and has the added benefit of being able to be assembled (without adding the dressing) well in advance. As any hostess knows, this is a great advantage when you are coordinating a multifaceted meal, such as Thanksgiving dinner tends to be for many people. This is also a plus if your dinner with family will be more along the lines of potluck, meaning each person/family attending will be responsible for one dish to make up the meal. This travels easily and stays fresh. It could even be prepared nearly in total the night before and then tossed with the dressing (which can also be made well in advance) just before time to serve it.

Even people who would say they don’t care for Brussel sprouts seem to enjoy this salad made with fresh uncooked Brussel sprouts. So whether you decide to try this on Thanksgiving this year, or at some later time, do try it. We think it will become a favorite in your homes as it has in ours.

Bon appetit and Happy Thanksgiving! And remember to stay grateful 🙂

Fresh Brussel Sprout Salad
(serves 8-10)

4 cups fresh Brussel sprouts, cleaned and quartered
1 cup dried cranberries
4 green onions, chopped
1 cup nuts (cashews, walnuts, or pecans are all good choices)
3/4-1 lb. cooked and crumbled bacon
Enough dressing to coat

Cut off the bottoms of each Brussel sprout and then cut into quarters separating leaves slightly and adding back any leaves to your serving bowl, that fall off while trimming. Add in the cranberries and green onion. This can be done well in advance or even the night before if you cover the bowl and refrigerate your salad until ready to eat. If you are making this in advance add bacon and nuts just before adding the dressing so they do not become soggy. Toss all together, enjoy and above be thankful.

Salad Dressing
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup real natural maple syrup or honey
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup safflower or grapeseed or other flavorless oil

Combine all ingredients in a blender or glass jar with a tight fitting lid and blend or shake until all ingredients are combined well. Add to salad just before you are ready to serve.

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