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A Gratitude Activity

Any of you who have known Two Chums for a while know that one of our favorite subjects is the subject of gratitude. Certainly, we feel, the more gratitude, the richer the life.

We came across this very fun activity on Premeditated Leftovers. You can do it with your children or, quite honestly, just yourself. A gratitude tree!

The things you will need:

Depending on how many people hang Gratitude Notes on the tree, you might want to have a different colored card stock for each person.

  1. Pour the rocks into the large-mouthed mason jar or vase and insert the branches into the rocks.
  2. Use the scissors to cut the green (and whatever other colors you may have) card stock into leaf shapes.
  3. Use the single hole punch to make a hole in each cut out leaf.
  4. THIS IS THE TIME to write what you are grateful for on each leaf.
  5. Loop a piece of twine into each leaf.
  6. Hang the leaves on your Gratitude Tree.

Your Gratitude Tree is now ready to act as a centerpiece on your table or to simply decorate any space in your home.

Each year, you might want to save the leaves (with the person’s name written on the back) and bring them out for the next and the next and the next year.

To make it a little more decorative, your could spray paint (our very favorite thing to so) the branches either silver or gold or some of each, you could put some glitter on the leaves, you could hang a few ornaments on the tree. You could write a sweet little note to another family member knowing for sure that they will see it. There are just endless possibilities.

What a really fun activity.

With much gratitude for all of you!

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