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19 Lessons She Learned By 19


We came across this article by Haley Cohn and thought that you would all be interested in reading it.

“In my last few days of being eighteen, I realize this is the end of my crazy teenage years, and the beginning of feeling “old.” Now that this is my last year of being a teenager I definitely want to enjoy every moment, because boy do the years fly by! Since I am almost an ADULT, I’ve realized that I’ve learned a lot in my nineteen years! With that said, here is a list of the 19 lessons I have learned by age 19.

  1. Your parents are always right.
    While it’s definitely hard to admit it to their faces, especially after you’ve just rolled your eyes and done the absolute opposite of what they just advised, your parents are always right. Maybe it was something they learned when they signed up for being parents, or maybe it’s there years of experience but somehow they just know what’s best. So big shoutout to you mom and dad, lets make the big 1-9 the year I begin to listen!
  2. Your family is important, keep in touch.
    Keeping in touch is probably one of the hardest things to do, I know that because quite frankly I’m really bad at it. But, its not that hard to pick up your phone and call a family member and talk about your days. Trust me, future you will appreciate it.
  3. Not every day is gonna be the best day.
    You’re gonna have days where life is tough, and it will most likely suck. Unfortunately life throws you some curve balls, and you’ll just feel like crawling under your blankets and hiding away for the day.
  4. Everything will be okay.
    Things will be hard, and it will most definitely feel like the end of the world. It will be tough, but the most important thing to remember through all of the bad is that it will end up being okay & you will get through it.
  5. Eat that slice of pizza.
    This is where I most commonly use the phrase, “YOLO” because you literally only live once. So why not live it embracing in some good old bread covered in cheese and whatever else your heart desires to put on top. With that said, finish this article and go get some pizza because now we both know you’re already craving it (sorry, not sorry).
  6. But the freshman fifteen is real.
    Obviously continue to follow my advice and eat the pizza, but just be aware that the freshman fifteen is not a myth. I know the thought of gaining fifteen pounds real quick is nothing anyone looks forward to, so go to the gym, drink water, and take care of your body.
  7. Make a savings account.
    Honestly, just trust me on this one. Making a savings account was probably one of the smartest decisions I made before turning 19. Even if you’re just making a few dollars here and there, putting some of it in a separate account will be better in the long run. That way when you’re spending your only $20 on chipotle and guac (obviously) you can be sure that you still have some money to your name in another account.
  8. If you haven’t worn that shirt since you were sixteen, its time to donate it.
    Lets be real, you’re probably never going to wear that shirt you haven’t worn since freshman year ever again. Yes it might have been your favorite shirt, and I know you’re thinking you might possibly one day want to wear it again. But no, I promise you that you will not wear it again. Note that I recommend to donate it, someone else will most definitely appreciate that shirt as much as you once did.
  9. Intelligence is attractive.
    Pick up that book, or listen to the news. Being knowledgeable is truly one of the most attractive qualities a person can have, especially as we begin to mature into our adult years.
  10. It is okay to have a “you day.”
    If you’re the type of person who wants to shop till you drop, or get a mani pedi then you go and do your thing. If you want to lay in bed all day long and binge watch 15 episodes of your favorite show on Netflix, while stuffing your face with your favorite snack then you go ahead and have that lazy day. It’s okay not to always be sociable, everyone needs a day for themselves (no matter how you want to end up spending it).
  11. Be present.
    I’m definitely not one to talk because I love my phone probably more than the next one. Whether its texting, checking pretty much every social media app and then refreshing every social media app I’m definitely a little addicted. Except as I am growing up I am learning to realize that there is nothing more special than the present. So put down your phone, and be with the people you are actually with and truly be in that moment, because time goes by quickly.
  12. Friends come and go.
    You’re gonna make friends, and you’re gonna lose friends. No matter how close you once were people change, and people leave. That is nothing to be bitter about though. Those memories you once shared will always be with you and you definitely grew from those experiences. Toxic relationships are not worth it, and hopefully they will lead you to the friendships that will last a lifetime.
  13. Smile, be kind.
    Why be mean? It’s as simple as that, why not be anything but kind to people? You never know what someone else is going through, a smile can truly be the kindest thing you can offer to a stranger or even a friend.
  14. Want something, work hard for it.
    If you want something you need to get up, put 110% into it, and work, work, work until you get what you want. As you grow up everything will get more difficult, and the important stuff won’t just be handed to you. So make sure to just keep working hard, and the opportunities will (hopefully) be endless.
  15. Laugh at yourself.
    If you’re walking and trip on your own two feet (guilty) then the only thing you should do is laugh and keep on walking.
  16. Don’t be afraid to grow up.
    Growing up is SCARY. I was definitely just five years old, and life was nothing more than coloring and recess. But nope, I’m 19 years old and I’m definitely a little (very) scared for the future. Except then again I’m so excited for all that is ahead! There is so much to look forward to, and its definitely nothing to be afraid of.
  17. Stop living in the past.
    Stop continuing to dwell on what happened because it is over. It is in the past for a reason, and no one is capable of changing what has already happened. Learn from the past, focus on the now, and prepare for the future.
  18. Change is good.
    These are the years everything in your life is beginning to change. No matter how comfortable things might feel now, you need to always remember change is good. Change is what helps you grow as a person, change is what brings new and exciting adventures to your life. Change is what makes the story to your life so interesting.
  19. Love yourself – be confident.
    If you’re anything like me, you’re probably pretty weird in some way or another. We all are a little quirky, so why not just embrace it? Walk with your head up, and own the next 19 years of your awesome life.”

Thanks so much, Haley!  Life lessons for all of us!  Lessons that will bring more love and joy and certainly a more abundant life!







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