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Savvy Secrets – Lemon Peel

Savvy secrest photoTo continue our week dedicated to the joys of lemons, we have some very helpful ideas about how to use lemon peel!

Lemon Peel
Always use organic lemons when consuming the peel to avoid eating any pesticides.

1. Lemon Pepper – Zest the rind of 5-7 lemons.  Mix with 1/3 cup crushed pepper corns.  Spread on parchment paper on a baking sheet and bake at 150-200 degrees for about 1 hour or until lemon zest is completely dried.  Cool and then grind mixture until it is fine using a spice grinder, then mix with 1/4 cup sea salt.  Keep in a sealed container for up to 3 months.

2. Lemon Sugar – Simply zest the peel of 1 lemon into 2-3 cups of sugar.   Allow it to sit out for about an hour to dry out then store until ready to use.  The oils from the lemon peel will flavor the sugar.

3. Lemon Infused Oil – Place the zest of 2 lemons and 1 cup extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.  Stir the mixture once a day for about two weeks.  Strain the lemon peel out of the oil and store oil in the jar.

4. Lemon Extract – Zest 10 lemons and place zest into a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.  Cover the zest with vodka and seal the jar.  Allow the mixture to sit for 8-10 weeks.  Strain out zest and you have wonderful lemon extract.

5 Herbed Lemon Butter – Finely zest 1 lemon and finely chop 1/4 cup  of fresh herbs such as tarragon, thyme, flat leafed parsley, basil or chives.  Add to 1 stick of softened butter and mix well.  Place butter on parchment or waxed paper and shape into a cylinder.  Twist the ends of the paper to seal and chill or freeze until ready to use.

6 . Lemon All Purpose Cleaner – Place lemon peels in a glass jar and cover with white vinegar.  Allow mixture to sit for 2 weeks.  Strain out lemon peels and add an equal amount of water to remaining lemon vinegar mixture.  Use as you would any all-purpose cleaner.

7. Clean your coffee pot – Add lemon peels, ice and salt and swirl for a minute or two to remove stains.  Dump out peels and rinse.  Your coffee pot will be clean and fresh.

8. Clean your dishwasher – Instead of expensive “lemony” scented cleaners, simply add lemon peels to the dishwasher when you run it to rinse and deodorize your dishwasher.

9. Fire starters – Bake discarded lemon peels at 250 degrees until they turn dark.  They are natural and fragrant and perfect for starting your fire for grilling.

10. Lemon Foot Soak – Place citrus rinds in enough water to cover them and bring to a boil for several minutes. Cool and then strain out peels.  Add ¼ cup milk, about 2 tablespoons of coconut or olive oil and a few drops of lemon essential oil. Soak your feet in this mixture for 20 minutes. Pat your feet dry and you will have moisturized and softened feet.

Enjoy these tips on clever ways to use lemon peel that you may not have ever tried before.  And if you have any others we’ve missed, please share them with us and all our chums.  We love helpful ideas. When they are shared with joy, they  lead to more abundant lives for all of us 🙂


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