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Savvy Secrets

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A special Savvy Secret EVERYONE can use!
Everyone has had a loaf or part of a loaf of left over bread that gets stale and even hard before you have used it all.  The usual result is to just throw it out and mourn your loss.  But according to Bon Appetit magazine, that is not necessary.  There is an easy way to revive that stale bread and make it good as new.  Here is what Bon Appetit gives as the method that really works and photos we took when we tried it to be sure it really works…it does! :

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1. Be Sad; Your Bread Has Gone Stale
Let’s get one thing straight: Bread that’s gotten moldy is beyond repair.  So sad. Compost it and move on. But if your loaf has just gotten a little crusty and tough, there is hope. Read on.

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2. Stick the Bread Under Water
This step might seem terrifying at first, but stay with us. Turn on a faucet of running water—either hot or cold will do—and stick that loaf of bread right under it. Try to position it so the exposed or cut-side is facing away from the faucet, but if the loaf’s interior gets wet, fear not. Food director Carla Music has performed this trick with a totally saturated loaf to great success. Don’t be timid; get the crust good and wet before proceeding.

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3. Put the Bread In the Oven
If your oven has a “warm” setting and you’ve been waiting to use it, this is your moment. If not, just set it to 300-325 degrees and pop the bread in the oven, directly on the rack. Set a timer for 6-7 minutes, depending on the size of the loaf—or 10-12 for a super wet loaf (like one whose interior has gotten drenched). What emerges will be a good-as-new loaf: Moist on the inside, crackly-crust on the outside.

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4. Be Happy! You Now Have a Fresh Loaf of Bread
What is this trickery? How does this all work? The water turns to steam, which rehydrates the bread’s crumb, or interior, while the heat of the oven firms up the crust. As a bonus, your kitchen smells great. Now grab that jam—we’ve got a loaf of bread to eat.

Your Two Chums really appreciate it when you send us in your Savvy Secrets…we LOVE to get them and pass them on!  Yes, that’s right, it spreads life’s abundant goodness!



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One Comment
  1. Mom used to do this trick, too! Only she would wet a roll, then wrap it in foil and pop it in the oven. I was always impressed that the rock hard roll would come out steamy and soft. I’ll have to try your method for a crispy crust! Thanks for sharing!

    September 8, 2015

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