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Naturally Clean

cleaner cover photo The shelves of stores are jammed with products that claim to be the strongest, best smelling, easiest to use, best value, etc.  The section of those that are considered “natural” is somewhat smaller and almost aways more expensive because of what they DON’T have in them….does that seem strange to anyone else?

What you may not know is that you can truly make the best, truly all natural, most effective, all purpose cleaner in short order and for litterally just pennies.  Not too long ago we brought you Savvy Secrets for Vinegar – Part 1 and  Savvy Secrets for Vinegar – Part 2So it should surprise no one that our homemade all purpose cleaner is made with lemons, limes and/or oranges, water and of course….vinegar.

Simply save those lemon, lime and/or orange rinds when you juice them for other reasons and place them in a glass jar.  Fill with plain white vinegar and allow the mixture to sit for a couple of weeks to be fully infused with the citrus oils in the rinds.  You can keep adding the citrus rinds and replenishing the vinegar as you go.  Mix the vinegar mixture with an equal amount of water in a spray bottle and use as you would use any all purpose cleaner.

cleaner 1

Try this and  you should experience a cleaner house, more love, more joy and more abundant living….well, at least you’ll have more money in your wallet and less dirt in your house….a pretty good deal we think.:-)

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One Comment
  1. Allison #

    What a great tip! I can’t wait to make mine!!

    September 25, 2013

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