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Just Be You – Happy Mother’s Day !

Mom's Night OutIf you are someone’s mommy, grandmother, nana, auntie, tia, or godmother, so basically if you are a woman who cares about anyone’s children including, and especially your own, this is for you 🙂 

We haven’t seen this film.  But whether you see it or not, every mother should see this clip…:

The message is brilliant and true…God didn’t make a mistake…Just be you…He’ll take care of the rest.

To all those dear women who make the world a better place to be every day and every night…who bring more love, more joy and much much more abundant living to all of us, we say “Happy Mother’s Day!”


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  1. NC #

    Thank You!

    May 11, 2014
  2. Sheiia Sperry #

    Profound words indeed.

    May 11, 2014
  3. Jennifer #

    So just this morning I was reading in yet another of Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s most wonderful books (Against Wind and Tide), and had highlighted this section: “take time to be yourself, otherwise the time Is wasted…you cannot speak with any voice except your own.” I find it refreshing to be reminded that God truly didn’t make any mistakes, and that we each add our own unique ‘something’ that helps complete the meaning of the whole. Mother’s Day blessings!

    May 11, 2014
    • Two Chums #

      Love that quote Jen! Have never read Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s Against Wind and Tide so will have to get it as i love her other profound writings. Thank you for sharing this with us and reminding us that as you said so well “we each add our own unique ‘something’ that helps complete the meaning of the whole.” XO

      May 12, 2014
  4. I had never heard of this movie. Thanks for sharing!

    May 11, 2014

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