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A Very Savvy Secret for Husking Corn

One of our chums, Jan, sent us a great savvy secret for husking corn…we want to share it with you, our other chums 🙂

When you purchase fresh corn try to buy it with the husk still intact.  Cut about 1″ from the end of the cob that has the stem where it attached to the stalk.  Place the corn still in the husk in the microwave oven on high for about 2 minutes.

When you remove the corn from the microwave, wrap the end that is NOT cut in a dishtowel as it will be too hot to hold.  Using your hand, squeeze the corn up and put of the husk as if you were squeezing a tube of toothpaste.  As the corn emerges it will be completely clean with no silk attached.  It took me a couple of times trying to master it but once I did….it was perfect every time

 It is hot and ready to eat with some butter and salt.

Or if you are removing the kernels from the cob, allow the corn to cool enough so that you can handle it, and then cut the kernels from the cob.  Either way you will never have to mess with the corn silk again and trying to scrub the corn clean before you can cook or eat it.  Thanks Jan….this was a great savvy secret that I know I will use again and again:)

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  1. Jen Dilley #

    Here I sit in Iowa–corn country–and had never heard of this shucking method! Will look forward to giving it a try. The only thing that will be missed is sitting outdoors having good conversation with one of the kids while together shucking husks into a big paper bag. (Heres a good method for cooking fresh corn on the cob…bring the pot of water to a good boil, then drop in the corn, turn off the burner, and cover the pot. In a few minutes, you will serve perfect corn in the cob without ever even checking it.) We always cook more fresh cobs than we really need at one sitting and, when we’ve eaten our fill, I always cut the corn lengthwise off of any remaining cobs and throw the long strips into freezer bags so we can pull some out and enjoy our perfect Iowa fall corn for many meals, even in the dead of winter.

    October 20, 2012
    • Two Chums #

      Hey Jen…If I am not mistaken this method came from Iowa via the aunt of our chum Jan. Love the idea of putting corn in boiling water and then turning it off:) We will share this too….thanks!

      October 20, 2012
  2. Hilary #

    Can’t wait to try this! Always am frustrated with those pesky silks!

    October 22, 2012

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